Vermont Rental Agreement Templates
Vermont rental lease agreements are contracts that allows a tenant to occupy a landlord’s property for a designated period of time. When authorizing a lease agreement for a residential property in Vermont, the landlord should first take an accounting of the tenant’s credit, background, and rental history. By checking with the sources and references provided, he or she should be able to make a decision on whether the person is qualified for a standard residential lease agreement.
Vermont Residential Lease Agreement
The Vermont residential lease agreement (“rental agreement”) is used to formalize an agreement between a landlord and tenant to lease residential property in exchange for a fee (”rent”). Once the agreement is signed, the document becomes legally binding for both parties.
Vermont Month-to-Month Rental Agreement
A Vermont month-to-month rental agreement allows a tenant to occupy residential property from a landlord on a monthly basis. Payment of rent is listed in the agreement and is usually required on the first (1st) of every month. Upon acceptance, the agreement automatically updates for another thirty (30) days and each party must continue to hold the terms and conditions.
Vermont Rental Application Form
The Vermont rental application form is a document that landlords send out to a prospective tenant to determine whether they are eligible to rent the property. The information requested relates to rental history, eviction history, and financial information which helps to screen the applicant for reliability as a tenant if a lease is entered.
Vermont Roommate Agreement
The Vermont roommate agreement is a written acknowledgment for roommates which verifies their consent to the living arrangement described in the agreement. The intent of such an agreement should be to clearly define all the rules required to live in the rental property as required by the roommates as a whole. Once an accurate representation of the house rules (i.e., cleaning, storage, personal property, house guests) and the basic lease terms have been entered into this document, each roommate should provide his or her signature to validate the agreement.
Vermont Commercial Lease Agreement
A Vermont commercial lease agreement is a contract that binds a landlord and a tenant to a legal agreement for the rental of business real estate. The property may be used for industrial, commercial, or office purposes and will often be out-fitted by the landlord to suit the tenant’s business. The lease will need to include the length of the agreement, the base rent, and a description of how expenses will be handled. Before approving a tenant and executing a lease, the landlord should request a background check to ensure that the tenant can be relied upon to make their monthly payments.
Vermont Security Deposit Laws
Maximum Amount ($) – No maximum; landlords may charge any amount they deem necessary to ensure the tenant’s cooperation with the rental agreement.
Returning – The deposit must be returned within fourteen (14) days from the date the tenant vacates. For seasonal tenancies, the security deposit must be returned within sixty (60) days (§ 4461(c)).
VermontRequired Disclosures
Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – If the property was built prior to 1978, the landlord must attach the lead-based paint disclosure and have it signed by the tenant.
Vermont Rent Grace Period
Vermont does not impose a grace period. However, case law has shown that landlords can only charge late fees that are necessary to recover losses incurred as a result of the late payment (Highgate Associates, Ltd. v. Merryfield).