West Virginia Emergency Rental Assistance Programs
West Virginia ERAP Treasury Programs:
The Mountaineer Rental Assistance Program (MRAP) offers financial assistance to renters and landlords affected by the coronavirus outbreak. WV anticipates receiving rental assistance funding from the U.S Department of Treasury in the next few weeks. As we await guidance from the US Treasury, we will need time to work out the details of how that funding will be allocated to renters in need in our state. We know help is needed and we are working hard to get help to our rental families quickly.
West Virginia CARES+ Programs:
Family Relief Fund Program: City of ParkersburgÂ
Parkersburg City Council approved the use of $229,739 of CDBG funding from the CARES Act for the Family Relief Fund, which would provide emergency payments for up to 90 days for low-to-moderate-income individuals or families facing homelessness or utility cutoffs. Checks would be made out “directly to the landlord, banking institution that holds the mortgage or the utility service provider.” The programs will be run with the help of organizations like the Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Council, Community Resources, the United Way Alliance of the Mid-Ohio Valley, the Salvation Army of Parkersburg and Consumer Credit Counseling Service of the Mid-Ohio Valley.
how do I see if I made get help in this? Huntington WV
how do I go about to get help,please?
How do I apply for emergency rental assistance in west Virginia now? (Nov 2022) please help!
Need rent help