Ohio Emergency Rental Assistance Programs
Ohio ERAP Treasury Programs:
Ohio CARES+ Programs:
In response to COVID-19, Ohio HFA established the Emergency Housing Assistance Grant Program which is administered through Ohio’s Continua of Care (CoC) and includes the eight large Continua and the Balance of State Continuum of Care. Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) eligibility includes individuals who are unable to pay their rent and are at risk of imminent eviction.
 o Applicants experiencing job loss, reduction in work hours, and all other economic challenges related to the health crisis are eligible.
The Housing Now for Homeless Families program is designed to utilize federal TANF funds to prevent children and families from becoming homeless and to quickly move homeless families into permanent housing. Starting in late August, these local organizations will be able to apply for funding for RRH and homeless prevention services through COHHIO’s Housing Now for Homeless Families program.
The state of Ohio will allocate $50 million from the Coronavirus Relief Fund from the CARES Act to 47 Community Action Agencies to help Ohioans that have experienced economic hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ohioans who are behind on rent, mortgage, and water and/or sewer utility bills may be able to receive assistance.
CHN Housing Partners and EDEN, Inc. announced today the details of the COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program funded by the City of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County. The program is designed to help residents of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County who are having difficulty making rental payments due to the economic impact of the pandemic and who meet income eligibility requirements. Cleveland Mayor Frank G. Jackson’s administration allocated $11.3 million as part of the Mayor’s Restart CLE plan aimed at helping the City’s residents and businesses recover from the adverse effects of the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, County Executive Budish’s administration allocated $6.8 million. The funds are a mix of Community Development Block Grant dollars and dollars from the Coronavirus Relief Fund provided by the CARES Act.
Columbus Emergency Assistance ProgramÂ
Council agreed to provide a $300,000 grant to the Columbus Urban League to provide rental and mortgage assistance to residents impacted by COVID-19. You can get help of up to $1,000 if you’re at risk of being evicted, need help with a security deposit, and /or are at risk of becoming homeless — no matter your income.
Impact Community Action was selected to distribute the rental assistance dollars directly to those impacted by COVID-19 and to other partners that already have rental assistance programs, including the Columbus Urban League, COMPASS, Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging and Physicians Care Connection. IMPACT Community Action Hope Fund Match ($2.65M): The tenant-based rental assistance funding will provide support for tenants experiencing economic hardship to pay their rent directly to landlords.
Greater Cleveland COVID Relief Fund has raised $8.7M and disbursed $6.6M, awarding EDEN and CHN Housing Partners with $70,000 and $50,000 respectively to provide housing-related assistance to low-income tenants in the city of Cleveland and county of Cuyahoga. In addition, the city of Cleveland and the county of Cuyahoga are planning to contribute $11.3M and $6.8M for rental assistance, with CHN Housing Partners and EDEN managing the program. This phase is anticipated to start on July 1.
IMPACT Emergency Assistance:Â Franklin CountyÂ
The Emergency Assistance Department provides supportive services that deliver crisis intervention strategies to stabilize households and strengthen self-sufficiency. All Emergency Assistance Programs/Services serve Franklin County households that are at or below 125% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines and most households must have a qualifying emergency to receive assistance.
The Hamilton County CARES Rent and Utility Relief Program draws on CARES Act funds to provide short term assistance to renters who live in Hamilton County and can document income loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The providers will also work with landlords to ensure that the renters will not be evicted for non-payment. The County will pay up to $2,500 or three months’ rent and utilities payments for households at or below 80% of the Area Median Income.
If you live in Lorain County and are behind on rent, water or sewer bills, the Lorain County Community Action Agency has a program that may help you. The LCCAA has been awarded a $1.1 million Home Relief Grant aimed at helping resident impacted by COVID-19. The program starts on Nov. 9 at 8 a.m. The program runs through Dec. 30. Residents who live at or below 200% of the federal poverty level are urged to apply.
Lorain County Community Action Agency will begin offering our 2021 COVID Rental Assistance starting January 4, 2021. Rental assistance is limited to up to three consecutive months of rental arrears and some fees back to April 1, 2020. LCCAA will accept online applications for rental assistance on January 4th, 5th, 25th, and February 16th.
Summit County residents are getting another chance to get rent, mortgage and utility assistance. County Executive Ilene Shapiro will introduce legislation to council on Monday for a second round of federal CARES act funding of $5 million for rent and mortgage payments and $1 million for utility payments.
Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz announced the city will set aside $2 million in emergency federal funding to assist about 700 qualifying households. The new emergency rental assistance fund will give households up to $2,500 during a consecutive three-month period, officials said.
I am having a hard time finding rental assistance in clinton county, ohio. I went to community Action and they have helped with 12 months of aid. My July rent is due and they said I
have reached my limit.(Thank you God, and Thank you Clinton County Community Action for your help) I work part time. 20 hours a week and do not receive a EBT card.
Is there anyplace I can go to for help?
My car is on its Last leg and I can’t afford to fix it.
I appreciate any suggestions.
I am a single 51 year old female with no dependents.
Yes hi Chris Powell I need help me if I read it it is 748 I have a 16 year old daughter living with me I have no hundred dollars in my rent is 748 I have a vixen notice and I need help with it
My spouse just had third stroke and can’t move right side. We’ve been without heat all winter due to furnace not working. Tried paying to have it fixed wasn’t successful. Behind on the rent and can’t find help I too am disabled I have a brain injury but got eviction today. Please help me find programs that helps with rent and repairing this house