Nevada Emergency Rental Assistance Programs
Nevada ERAP Treasury Programs:
The Nevada Housing Division (NHD) has received approximately $124 million to provide additional temporary rental and housing expense assistance through the CARES Housing Assistance Program (CHAP). The CHAP program has served approximately 29,000 Nevadans to date. The additional funds are currently expected to help an estimated 20,000 households with rent and utilities.
The Reno Housing Authority has been awarded additional funding to continue the CHAP program. New applicants can apply using the link below. Applicants will be notified, by mail, when their application is selected for processing.
Nevada CARES+ Programs:
If you are one of the many Nevadan’s struggling to pay your monthly rent due to being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic the Governor, in partnership with the Treasurer’s office, has created the CARES Housing Assistance Program to provide help.
Nevada Emergency Rental Assistance Program
Nevada Attorney General Aaron D. Ford announced $2 million in settlement funding for emergency rental assistance transferred to United Way of Southern Nevada and United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra. The funding is part of the previously announced settlement agreement with Wells Fargo. The transfer of the funding received approval from the Nevada State Legislature’s Interim Finance Committee this morning.
Those that enter the program will get four months rent, or $4,000 towards rent, whichever comes first.
The Henderson CARES Housing Assistance Program (or Henderson CHAP) serves residents of Henderson who have suffered substantial financial hardship and now lack sufficient income or resources available to pay their housing costs because of the COVID-19 emergency or the response to that emergency. The program allows for payment of rent, mortgage, and utilities arrears back to March 1, 2020, as well as utility deposits, security deposits and emergency lodging. Payments for services are made directly to a landlord, mortgage company and/or utility company.
The city of Las Vegas Housing Assistance Program will provide short-term assistance to city of Las Vegas residents experiencing housing insecurity due to COVID-19-related loss of income. Assistance will be provided for up to three months of reasonable rent/mortgage and be paid directly to the landlord or mortgage company on behalf of eligible program participants.
The City of North Las Vegas recognizes the impact our citizens are facing due to COVID-19. In response to this disease, the City, through the Housing and Neighborhood Services Division, with assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development is providing community assistance, resources and support.
CARES Act for Public – Rental, Mortgage, and Utility Assistance:Â Nye County
Nye County is now taking applications for the grant program meant to help with the COVID-19 fallout. A spokesman for the county says people can apply for CARES Act funding, which will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Funding is available to help with issues like rent, mortgages and utilities for residents.
As part of its ReIgnite Reno programs, the City of Reno is offering rental assistance. To qualify for financial assistance, applicants will need to show they have income to sustain their household once the assistance period ends. Applicants will need to meet the area income limit of 80% or below.
I just got a job at the Ramada full time housekeeping. I just broke my left fibula I’ll be out of work for 6-8 weeks. I’m 53 and my husband has stage 4 kidney disease is in hospital but getting out April 1st. We found appt. To move in to the first week of April. We have 1 months rent saved he’s 57. But we don’t have security deposit and untill I’m back to work will have an issue with paying all our bills including rent and electricity. May you please help us. Renee Braybolia #7756830743
Las Vegas
I lost everything due to COVID-19 I’m homeless now I was living in Las Vegas Nevada I need help I have no food no clothes I’m tired I just wanna live normal and get back on my feet ..
I recently moved to Las Vegas for a better life for my children and grand children. I have been working but not making enough to make ends meet. We were living in a 1 Bedroom weekly until i found a place that I thought I would be able to afford. I can afford it I just am in a bind at the moment. I have a payment due of $1400.00 or I loose my home for myself my 3 kids and my 2 grand babies. I just need someone who can point me in the right direction to getting help so that we are not evicted and out on the streets
I moved to Las Vegas a month ago with my four young kids to live with my brother until I work and save money to afford my kids and myself a stable place to stay. Once I found a job as a housekeeper now he is charging me rent babysitting etc. I can not afford to get a place to live if I am paying all of this money when I don’t have it. He told me last week he will give me one month to get out. I am begging anyone for help so we don’t become homeless, please
Hello, How do I request a formal appeal for a denial of benefits from CHAP Clark County Rental Assistance Program? They do not offer any information on this and there is no free legal advice offered on this subject. I can’t even find where I can file a formal complaint. As I feel I was wrongfully denied assistance. I searched other states and they all have programs set up with all the information you need to file appeals and links for free legal assistance. Nevada’s or Clark County does not have they’re program set up to help you. I’m just not sure whether I file a complaint with the County, State, or US Treasury Department. Thank You.
Did you have your appeal?