Maine Rental Agreement Templates
Maine rental agreements are legal contracts that allow property owners to rent a residential unit (home, apartment, mobile home, etc.) on a monthly or yearly basis. The two (2)parties are typically a landlord (lessor) and tenant (sublessee) and in some cases, the lessor will have representation in the form of a management company or real estate agent that will have the authorization to sign on his or her behalf. Once the contract is signed by the lessor and lessee the form is legally binding until the term is complete.
Maine Residential Lease Agreement
A Maine standard residential lease agreement is a contract between a landlord and a tenant that agrees to reside for payment on a monthly basis. The terms of the agreement are usually negotiated after a rental application has been completed where the property owner has a better understanding of the income and creditworthiness of the tenant.
Maine Month-to-Month Rental Agreement
The Maine month-to-month rental agreement is a written document that allows a tenant to rent property from a landlord, in exchange for monthly payments (“rent”), for a period of thirty (30) days at a time. This contract renews each month until either party chooses to cancel (with proper notice).
Maine Rental Application Form
The Maine rental application form is a document used by landlords seeking viable tenants to rent their property. Each occupant over 18 must complete an application and pay the accompanying fee. The form is used to obtain background information that can help a landlord decide who will lease a property.
Maine Roommate Agreement
The Maine roommate agreement (“room rental agreement”) is a contract between two or more tenants in a shared living situation (“roommates” or “co-tenants”). Each co-tenant must sign the contract. This document lays out the financial obligations of each co-tenant and may include rules regarding shared spaces.
When a tenant finds that paying their rent and their bills on time is becoming a burden, they have the option of creating a roommate agreement with another person to help split the burden. The rent that each person pays is likely to be divided based on the amount of space that they have, so if it is a two-bedroom unit, and both rooms are the same size, the roommates will split the cost of the rent and the utilities evenly. The roommate agreement is a legal form that should be used to put all of the terms of the agreement in writing.
Maine Commercial Lease Agreement
A Maine commercial lease agreement is a legal contract used by owners of commercial property to enter into a rental arrangement with a business entity. The terms and conditions contained within this agreement should be negotiated by the parties before signatures are inscribed thereto. Important provisions to look over include rent amount, the responsibility of utilities, taxes, and other expenses, lease term, and termination options. The tenant would be wise to have a lawyer present during the transaction or at minimum have them look the lease agreement over to ensure the terms are reasonable.
Maine Security Deposit Laws
Maximum Amount ($) – The landlord can demand up to two (2) months’ rent as a security deposit from tenants (§ 6032).
Returning – The tenant must have the security deposit minus any damages returned to them within thirty (30) days from their tenancy’s termination date (§ 6033).
Maine Required Disclosures
Bedbugs – The landlord is required to alert the tenant if the rental unit, or one that is adjacent, has been treated for bed bugs or currently has bed bugs (§ 6021-A).
Energy Efficiency Disclosure – The landlord must give the tenant a notice that states that they have the right to request an accounting of the past twelve (12) months’ energy consumption and cost for the unit. After receiving the disclosure, the tenant must sign and return the document to the landlord (§ 6030-C).
Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – If a property was built prior to 1978, any potential renters must be given a notice that advises them of the presence of lead paint. The disclosure needs to be signed by the individual and returned back to the landlord.
Radon Disclosure Form – Every ten (10) years the landlord is required to check their rental property for radon gas. If there is a significant amount of this type of gas found on the premises, the radon disclosure form must be given to the tenant (§ 6030-D).
Security Deposit Location – At the tenant’s request, a landlord is required to give them the name of the bank and the account number in which their security deposit is being held (§ 6038).
Smoking Policy – The landlord must give the tenant a smoking policy disclosure that informs them whether or not smoking is prohibited and where it is or isn’t prohibited (§ 6030-E).
Maine Rent Grace Period
State law allows for tenants to have a fifteen (15) day grace period to pay rent from the day that payment is due (§ 6028).