COVID-19 Updates

April 1, 2020


Updated April 9, 2020

We’re in the midst of a global pandemic and COVID-19 is having a serious impact on every industry…especially ours. As homeowners try to figure out how to pay their mortgage and tenants struggle to make sure rent is paid, the Weekend Landlords wants you to know we’re here to help. 

We’ve put together a comprehensive guide of questions we’ve been asked, state law changes, and helpful official resources for landlords. We’re here to help you navigate this unprecedented time

Questions you might have:

What do I do if I need to pay my mortgage and my tenant can’t pay rent?

My state has halted evictions, but my tenants have already stopped paying rent. What are the next steps?

If my tenant was not impacted by COVID-19 and is still employed, do they need to pay rent?

Are property managers and landlords considered essential workers?

I own multiple units, how do I communicate with everyone in a timely manner?

What if I have vacancies that need to be filled?

In a rent deferment plan, is it better to spread a missed payment out over a few months or just require the missed payment at the end of the lease term?

State Law Info

While it’s impossible to come up with a perfect strategy on how to fight the economic consequences of the crisis, state governments are trying to support small businesses and property owners by implementing state programs, postponing evictions and foreclosures, and offering mortgage deferrals.
Click here for a breakdown of state-by-state guidelines that we are updating frequently as new information becomes available.

List of Resources

first time landlord guide

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