Indiana Rental Agreement Templates
The Indiana rental agreements are legal contracts created when a tenant wishes to use real property in exchange for regular payments (“rent”). The landlord and tenant agree on the terms of the rental. Additional terms must comply with Indiana’s landlord-tenant law and applicable state laws.
Indiana Residential Lease Agreement
An Indiana residential lease agreement is a rental contract that allows a tenant to occupy space from a landlord by payment of monthly rent. Before signing a lease, the landlord would be wise to ask the potential tenant to fill out a rental application. This will allow the verification of the person’s employment (including income), credit report/score, background information, and previous landlord or management company references. Once the landlord makes a decision to approve the tenant, the terms and conditions of the lease can be negotiated. At the lease is signed by both parties, all deposits (such as a security deposit and/or last month’s rent) must be paid by the tenant so the landlord can give them access to their rented property.
Indiana Month-to-Month Rental Agreement
The Indiana month-to-month rental agreement is a written document that allows a tenant to pay a fee to rent property from a landlord. These agreements include specifics like the amount of rent, when the rent is due, and additional rules of the tenancy.
When it comes to advantageous lease arrangements, it’s the month-to-month lease that many consider to be the least restricting for both the landlord and his or her tenant. This is due to the fact that these are considered to be at-will leases, and both parties can exit the tenancy much more easily than either would with a fixed-term lease. Unlike a fixed-term lease, which usually has a period of six months or one year, a month-to-month has no preset time frame.
Indiana Rental Application Form
The Indiana rental application form is part of the application process that landlords use to choose viable tenants to lease or rent a property. Prospective tenants usually pay an application fee to give the landlord access to their credit history, criminal background, and more.
Indiana Roommate Agreement
An Indiana roommate agreement is a binding contract between two or more people who have agreed to share a rental property. This agreement is only between the roommates and does not involve the Landlord nor the Master Lease. Therefore, if a group of college students decided to rent a house, for example, only the ones who sign the Master Lease will hold an agreement with the Landlord while the roommate agreement is signed by the original tenants and all additional roommates. The roommate agreement contains the terms and conditions of the living arrangement between the roommates; i.e., rent amount, utilities, responsibilities, household purchases, and chores, etc. Once the terms have been negotiated and agreed upon, each roommate must sign the document.
Indiana Commercial Lease Agreement
An Indiana commercial lease agreement is designed to create a legal arrangement between a tenant and landlord concerning the renting of commercial or industrial space for business use. The landlord will often fit the commercial property to accommodate the tenant’s business needs (e.g. construct multiple restrooms, install light fixtures, supply locks, and other safety equipment). As a result, the landlord may require the lease term to be more than one (1) year in order to ensure a return on their investment. After the agreement has been signed, each party will be bound to the terms and conditions until the expiration of the contract.
Indiana Disclosures
Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – Under federal law, if the landlord’s property was built before 1978 it is mandatory that the disclosure form be attached, initialed, and signed by the lessee.
Managers and Agents (§ 32-31-3-18) – The landlord must disclose the name of the person allowed onto the premises in addition to an address for notices and repairs.
Indiana Security Deposits
Maximum – There is no State cap. The landlord may ask as much as desired from the tenant.
Returning (§ 32-31-3-12) – All landlords are required to hand over the money back to the lessee within forty-five (45) days from the termination of the lease and delivering the property back to the lessor.