North Carolina Emergency Rental Assistance Programs
North Carolina ERAP Treasury Programs:
The City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County is proud to partner with The Housing Partnership to provide rent relief to those who have been impacted by COVID-19.
Guilford County launched its new emergency rent and utility assistance program on Monday to help people who are facing financial hardships during the pandemic. The new grant program is designed to help people who are unable to make rent or utility payments as a result of COVID-19. The new Guilford Cares initiative kicked off by accepting applications beginning at 9 a.m. Eligible applicants can apply online on the county’s website at www.guilfordcountync.gov.
North Carolina CARES+ Programs:
Approximately $94 million of the funding will be disbursed by the North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR) to support rental and utility payments and prevent evictions for those with a demonstrated need. The funding will be distributed to eligible community agencies around the state that will work directly with North Carolinians on an application and disbursement process.Â
Asheville’s Affordable Housing Committee anticipates receiving almost $400,000 to help people at risk of being evicted because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Homeward Bound and Pisgah Legal Services are responsible for dispersing the money. The amounts that have been awarded are $195,000 to Pisgah Legal Services and $200,000 to Homeward Bound.
The City of Burlington is allocating some of its CDBG-CV funding secured through the CARES Act to residents and local non-profits to help with utility, rental or mortgage payments and funding micro business loans. he city has granted funding to three local non-profit organizations to offer further assistance to residents. Non-profits were chosen from grant applications submitted to the city earlier this year. Allied Churches of Alamance County can offer rental assistance, the Women’s Resource Center in Alamance County and CityGate Dream Center can offer rental, mortgage and electric or natural gas utility payment assistance.
In partnership with Dorcas Ministries, the Town of Cary provides emergency housing assistance to residents who find themselves in a temporary financial crisis. Residents can apply for financial support on past due rent payments as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Trained staff interview each applicant to determine how the program can best assist.
Families or individuals experiencing a financial hardship with paying their mortgage, rent, utilities or other expense due to the COVID-19 pandemic may apply for financial assistance through the COVID-19 Relief Program. Applications will be available through Eastern Catawba Cooperative Christian Ministry (ECCCM) beginning July 1, 2020.
The Town of Chapel Hill is accepting donations to assist low-income residents with emergency housing assistance. The program provides low-income residents in urgent need of rent and mortgage assistance with a one-time payment of up to $4,000.
The City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County is proud to partner with The Housing Partnership to provide rent and mortgage relief to those who have been impacted by COVID-19.
City Council has approved distributing funding (April 21, May 14, June 11, August 13) to organizations who are meeting immediate needs for Concord residents, to assess their individual COVID-19 related needs totaling $â€400,339‬. $18,500 are allocated to rental assistance distributed by Cooperative Christian Ministries.
The City of Durham has partnered with Durham County and Legal Aid of NC to use special Community Development Block (CDBG-CV) funding from federal CARES Act for emergency rental assistance.
Fayetteville COVID-19 Relief Program
The City of Fayetteville offers a service to assist with rent, utilities and mortgage payments as a response to the Coronavirus pandemic. Qualified low and moderate income citizens may be eligible to receive up to $2,000 toward rent, utilities, or mortgage payments. A person must call 2-1-1 and ask for COVID rental, mortgage or utility assistance or visit https://www.nc211.org/ to connect with a specialist.
Greensboro has received about $2 million from the federal CARES Act to help renters and homeowners with one-time assistance. The city has earmarked $713,000 to help pay rent and utility bills and $100,000 for mortgages.
Assistance is available to qualified households towards emergency monthly mortgage or rental assistance for their primary residence. Up to $1,000 in emergency mortgage assistance is available per household. The maximum amount of $1,000 can be applied to one to three months’ mortgage payments.
Martin County Rental Assistance Program
Martin County applied for NC Commerce’s Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus back in September and was recently notified that the county will receive $900,000. Officials say the funds will primarily be used to provide up to six months of emergency utility payments, as well as emergency rent and mortgage payments in an effort to prevent eviction and homelessness.
The Orange County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) created the pilot Risk Mitigation and Housing Displacement Fund in an effort to: (1) encourage landlord participation in Orange County rental assistance and other subsidy programs, (2) assist with housing stabilization and mitigate displacement of low- and very low-income residents, and (3) prevent homelessness.
Union County Emergency Rental Assistance Program
The purpose of this funding is to assist adult only households impacted by COVID-19 and who do not qualify for other assistance programs at Union County Human Services for rental assistance. This program is limited to adult only households with no minor children who require assistance with past due rent up to $800.00.
Wake County and community partners have launched the House Wake! COVID-19 Eviction Prevention Program. This next phase focuses on preventing the displacement of Wake County renters who lost income as a result of COVID-19. The three-step program offers: financial assistance to tenants and landlords to cover rent shortfalls resulting from a loss of income through a partnership with Telamon Corporation; free legal support through a partnership with Legal Aid of North Carolina for tenants who need a lawyer to negotiate filed evictions with landlords or other legal services; and assistance relocating residents whose housing could not be stabilized through steps 1 or 2.
need help fill out appalcation please facing eviction
I live in Albemarle Nc and I’m facing eviction we’re can I get help
I need help to find a apartment or house I just got approved for ssi
I live in Shelby NC where can I apply?
I need help when my rent
I lost job that I had for 3 years and now I needed help with my rent and other bills. I live in New Bern, NC I needed help.
I been reading about this and everything is back when Covid-19 was going on but what do we do now about getting help all I see trying to get help is sorry we closed for appointment and no money close up for two years or more But are government officials still sending money to help people who don’t live in the USA or come in that hadn’t worked a day But I worked all my live and now i am 68 and can’t get help from my country I love and live where or what are we going to do. Come about low income housing and rent is 2000.00 months done anyone so you need 4000.00 to get in and will if you got a pet 250.00; months for it. Please can someone tell me what we to do. Thank you for your time
hello i am in New Bern NC i need rental assistance terribly please someone call me or email back anytime.my landlord is planning to make me move july 1 2023,i am trying so hard i am two months behind because my 28 year old son passed away with noinsurance.i am struggling bad. please help me
What landlords accept the erap program? Needing help with finding a house that takes the program .