Massachusetts Emergency Rental Assistance Programs
Massachusetts CARES+ Programs:
The Emergency Rental and Mortgage Assistance (ERMA) program will provide direct funding to eligible households who have suffered financial hardship during the State of Emergency put in place to combat the spread of COVID-19.
ERMA will expand eligibility for rental and mortgage assistance to more low-income households who have been impacted by the crisis by adjusting the income threshold beyond the state’s traditional Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program. This includes households within the 50-80% range of Area Median Income (AMI). Like the RAFT program, ERMA will provide up to $4,000 for eligible households to pay rent or mortgage payments in arrears going back to payments due April 1, 2020. Beginning July 1, applicants can reach out to the eleven agencies that administer RAFT on the state’s behalf, this includes the nine Housing Consumer Education Centers, as well as LHAND and the Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance.
The RAFT Program is a homelessness prevention program funded by the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). RAFT provides short-term financial assistance to low-income families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
The Town of Acton is pleased to announce the Emergency Rental Assistance Program. This program will provide temporary rental assistance in the form of a grant and will be administered through a collaboration with the Regional Housing Services Office (RHSO). The application window for the program will open on Monday, June 1.
Town of Amherst COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Grant Program
The Amherst Municipal Affordable Housing Trust has allocated $250,000 towards an emergency rental assistance program for qualified Amherst residents impacted by COVID-19. The program will be administered by Community Action Pioneer Valley and will provide a range of rental subsidies depending on unit size for up to 3 months. Proof of Amherst residency and income must be provided.
Town of Amherst COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Grant Program
The Town of Amherst and the Amherst Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund announce the availability of Round Two for short-term emergency rental assistance available for Amherst renters experiencing a loss or reduction of income due to COVID-19. Rental assistance is available for up to 3 months. Assistance is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
The Department of Planning and Community Development is administering an emergency rental assistance program for Arlington households that earn less than 50% of the area median income and who cannot pay rent due to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis. This Program is funded with $400,000 of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG-CV) funds
The town on Wednesday announced the second round of the Arlington Emergency Tenant Assistance Program. The program provides rental assistance to income-eligible households that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The assistance program is funded through an additional allocation of Community Development Block Grant funds known as CDBG-CV.
In response to the loss of income to households due to Covid-19, this program has been created and funded by the CARES Act funds granted to the Town of Ashland and the Affordable Housing Trust utilizing their Community Preservation Act funds.
The Barnstable County HOME Program has announced a new emergency rental assistance program that provides relief to Cape Cod residents impacted by COVID-19. HOME funds in the amount of $100,000 have been targeted to provide rental assistance to Barnstable County households.
The Town of Belmont has launched an Emergency Rental Assistance Program to aid residents who rent in town and have suffered loss of income due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This initiative uses a previously allocated $250,000 CPA grant for the purpose of relieving economic distress among Belmont renters and their landlords due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This program helps Belmont renters who lost income and are having trouble paying rent as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Applicants are eligible for up to three months residential rental assistance. If you are a Belmont resident in need of assistance, apply to this program.
This rental assistance program in Beverly, MA allocated $240,000 from a CPA grant for rental assistance. Households up to 100% AMI can receive up to 3 months of assistance.
Mayor Martin J. Walsh yesterday announced that his Administration is dedicating $8 million in city funds to assist Bostonians who are at risk of losing their rental housing due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
The Town of Braintree has established an emergency rental assistance program to provide financial assistance to Braintree households that have lost income resulting from a COVID-19 economic hardship. Applications will be accepted during an application period that will begin on July 20, 2020 and will end
on August 7, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. Rental assistance funds will be awarded to Program-eligible households via a lottery.
The Safety Net Fund: Town of Brookline
Managed by Brookline Center staff in partnership with the Brookline Community Foundation and the Town of Brookline, Safety Net offers confidential, individualized, and integrated support that prevents crises from worsening, improves quality of life, and helps people maintain stability during emergencies.
Launched in July 2020, the City of Cambridge COVID-19 Housing Stabilization Program serves to provide short term financial assistance to individuals and families in Cambridge who are experiencing housing instability due to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This program represents the City of Cambridge’s continuation of COVID-19 related resource disbursement for housing assistance. To date, $1.2 million has been committed, supporting 225 Cambridge households with six months of assistance. This program is being continued with the support of additional CARES Act funds.
Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui and City Manager Louis A. DePasquale activated the $3.3 million Mayor’s Disaster Relief Fund on March 19, 2020 to provide emergency assistance to individuals and families in Cambridge who are experiencing financial hardship due to the virus outbreak. Funds will be allocated for rent and/or utility payments and other household needs.
Housing Assistance has established the Workforce Housing Relief Fund to provide urgent and ongoing assistance with past due rent or mortgage payments or other housing-related expenses for current, year-round Cape Cod and Island residents who are losing income due to the coronavirus.
Funded by the Community Preservation Committee and Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board, the Department of Planning and Development has established an emergency rental assistance program. As a step to reduce displacement and stabilize housing situations, the City has created this program to offer direct grant funding to residents. Qualifying applicants may be eligible for a grant equivalent to up to three (3) months of rent, or $5,000, whichever amount is less.
Chicopee Rental Assistance Program
Mayor Vieau announced the release of the City’s Rental Assistance Program designed to assist property owners and renters who have been impacted by COVID-19. The City through the Community Development Department has allocated $250,000 from federal HOME Partnership funds. Property Owners must enroll in the program after which eligible tenants may apply for up to two months of rental payments arrears. Due to the complexity of federal regulations, the City recognizes that not all properties or tenants will be eligible. The Valley Opportunity Council is providing additional assistance directly to impacted residents.
With funds from the Town of Eastham CPC, HECH administers a Rental Assistance Program to income qualified households who live or work in Eastham or who have children attending the Nauset School District. HECH is currently accepting applications for this program.
Easton’s Affordable Housing Trust is using $80,000 of its funds for a rental assistance program. The trust receives money each year from the Community Preservation Act fund. The trust has contracted with MetroWest Collaborative, a nonprofit, which will take applications from renters, hold a lottery and work out an arrangement that pays landlords directly, Beitler said.
Rental and mortgage assistance is available to Essex County residents up to 80% Area Median Income
Limited funding is available to families who are in need of supplemental fuel and/or rent assistance.
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the City of Framingham will provide relief of rent, mortgage, and/or utility payments for two (2) months to alleviate the burden for households that have lost their employment and primary income as of March 10, 2020.
The Georgetown Affordable Housing Trust is a fund that is set up to assist low income individuals with paying for their rent, or obtaining housing within Georgetown. Applications for those interested are due by June 30, 2013.
Rental and mortgage assistance is available to Gloucester County residents up to 80% Area Median Income
Grafton COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Fund
The Grafton AFfordable Housing Trust provides renters in Grafton, MA rental assistance.
The Affordable Housing Trust Fund is partnering with Construct, Inc. to provide emergency rental assistance to Great Barrington tenants and landlords who are financially struggling during the COVID-19 crisis.
The town of Groton has developed an emergency rental assistance program for eligible Groton residents during the pandemic.
The City of Haverhill is launching a temporary rent support program designed to help people who have lost income because of COVID-19 pay their rent and/or utilities. Please note rental assistance will be provided for up to 90 days and will not exceed $5,000 Monthly assistance will be determined on a case by case basis and may not assist with back rent payment (rent arrears). All payments made on behalf of the applicant will be paid directly to the landlord.
This program was created by the Town of Holliston to provide rental assistance in resonse to the loss of income due to COVID-19.
The Hudson Affordable Housing Trust has developed a temporary rental assistance program to help income-eligible residential renters in Hudson who have been affected economically by COVID-19.
In partnership with the City of Gloucester, the Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce, and working with local municipalities, Action Inc. has launched the Cape Ann Emergency Relief Fund to help hourly workers impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. The Fund will support food service, retail, hospitality, childcare and other hourly workers struggling with lost income. The fund will distribute direct financial assistance (in the form of checks) to qualifying individuals, as long as funds are available.
Qualifying families will receive $1000 per household. Must be a Cape Ann resident (Gloucester, Rockport, Essex, Ipswich, Manchester).
The City of Lawrence will be utilizing its CARES Act Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) COVID 19 funding allocation to provide homelessness prevention and rapid re‐housing emergency rental assistance to low income Lawrence residents who are housing insecure as a direct result of the COVID 19 pandemic. This program is in partnership with Greater Lawrence Community Action Council.
COVID-19 — Rental Assistance Program provides rental assistance for south Berkshire households adversely affected by Coronavirus/Covid-19. Dedicated funding is in place Lenox residents whose income is up to 100% of the area median income.
LEAF is a collection of funds specifically setup to provide financial assistance to Lexington residents experiencing an unexpected financial crisis. LEAF can provide limited financial help for critical needs when other funding sources are unavailable or have been exhausted.
In response to the loss of income to households due to Covid-19, this program has been created and funded by the Town of Littleton Affordable Housing Trust utilizing its Community Preservation Act or other non-federal funds. This program seeks to be efficient and responsive. It is temporary in nature.
The Malden Redevelopment Authority is administering the Malden Rental Assistance Fund to assist low-income Malden renters affected by the COVID-19 crisis. The program will cover the cost of one month’s rent for an estimated 300-400 eligible low-income households.
Action Inc. is currently offering short-term rental & mortgage assistance to households who have lost their jobs or significant income due to the recent pandemic.
The Dukes County Regional Housing Authority’s (DCRHA) Emergency Rental Relief Program is funded through the Permanent Endowment for Martha’s Vineyard and their generous donors who wish to provide support to Island renters challenged financially by the Covid 19 pandemic.
The Human Services Department will run the housing assistance program using $75,000 of Community Preservation Act funds. Households can receive assistance for up to six months. Landlords must agree to participate in the program, and all rental payments will be made directly to the landlord, according to the program’s proposal.
The program provides rental assistance in the form of a grant to eligible households who have experienced an economic loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Medford Emergency Rental Assistance Program (M-ERAP) is designed to assist low-income households facing housing emergencies correlated with COVID-19. An emergency through this program is defined as a situation in which immediate action is needed to avoid homelessness or eviction, to re-establish a home or prevent displacement from a home.
The Town of Milton has established a $100,000 emergency rental assistance fund to assists tenants who have lost employment or otherwise suffered income losses as a result of the COVID-19 related economic closures. The Town will partner with Metro Housing Boston to administer the Program.
This program is designed to support renters in Monson of all household sizes prevent homelessness.
The Rental Assistance program is open for applications for assistance to qualified year-round island residents.
Emergency Financial Assistance is available for Natick residents in temporary crisis through the non-profit Natick Service Council.
Needham residents struggling to meet their rent payments due to COVID-19 can continue to receive assistance from the town. Last November, Needham announced a program offering rental assistance to income-eligible residents who had lost pay due to the pandemic. The original deadline to apply was Dec. 4, but because funds remain available for the program, town officials are inviting those who did not previously submit applications to do so. In addition to meeting income limits, applicants must document loss of income due to COVID-19.
The purpose of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program is to provide short term relief to low and moderate income individuals and families whose incomes have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The City of Newburyport, through its Affordable Housing Trust, will be providing grants to financially assist qualified households during this crisis.
Newton is operating a COVID-19 Emergency Rental & Mortgage Assistance Program (also called the COVID-19 Emergency Housing Relief Program). On May 20, the program was funded at $2.5 million–$2 million in Community Preservation Act funds, and $500,000 from Newton’s CDBG-CV allocation.
Emergency Rental Assistance: Norfolk Country
Town of North Andover Emergency Rental Assistance Program
The purpose of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program is to provide short term relief to low and moderate income individuals and families whose incomes have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Town of North Andover will be providing grants to financially assist qualified households during this crisis.
The Rental Assistance Fund provides rental assistance to families and individuals who are at risk of being dispalced or forced to leave their homes due to COVID-19 related employment loss.
Eligible homeowners and renters could receive up to three months or a maximum of $5,000 per household to pay a mortgage, rent, or utilities. Berkshire Regional Housing Authority (BRHA) will administer this part of the city’s COVID-19 Economic Recovery Program and they are also able to provide mediation and other services to help Pittsfield residents stay in their homes.
Quincy Emergency Rental Assistance can provide housing funding to Quincy residents due to COVID-19. QCAP’s distribution will benefit non-hospitality workers currently renting in Quincy who have been impacted by the economic shutdowns caused by COVID-19. The Emergency Rental Assistance program was a partnership between Quincy Community Action Programs, the City of Quincy, and the Quincy Chamber of Commerce.
Mayor Tom Koch, the City of Quincy’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund and the Quincy Chamber of Commerce have teamed up to create and distribute the Hospitality Support Fund to help those workers in the restaurant, hospitality and food & beverage industries who have been impacted by the almost complete economic shutdown caused by COVID-19. The city spent $1 million on a rental assistance program, which was managed by the Quincy Chamber of Commerce and Quincy Community Action Programs.
South Shore Bank is taking the PPP net proceeds and creating the South Shore Bank Community Fund with $500,000 to assist its clients who have been negatively impacted by COVID-19 with making monthly rent or mortgage payments. The fund is modeled after the successful Quincy Hospitality Support Fund created by Quincy Mayor Tom Koch, the City of Quincy’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund, and the Quincy Chamber of Commerce that helped workers in the restaurant, hospitality, and food & beverage industries who had been impacted by the almost complete economic shutdown caused by COVID-19.
Resilient Randolph will rather focus on the basic needs of families. Priority will be given to those who are most economically vulnerable to this crisis. All donations will be collected by United Way and distributed by South Shore Stars and NeighborWorks Housing Solutions, established Randolph nonprofit organizations with a track record of administering assistance funds.
Revere Covid-19 Rental Assistance Program
Mayor Brian Arrigo has committed $1 million in federal funds to assist with rental assistance for Revere residents who are at risk of eviction or homelessness due to inability to pay rent.
Rental and mortgage assistance is available to Rockport County residents up to 80% Area Median Income
The City of Salem is partnering with the North Shore Community Action Programs, Inc. (NSCAP) to provide much needed relief to Salem residents at risk of losing their rental housing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Qualifying families will be eligible to receive up to $500 per household for two months (maximum $1,000).
Somerville Homeless Coalition’s Homelessness Prevention Program is designed to re-house homeless households and to prevent homelessness for households who are at immediate risk. Homeless Prevention works to bring stability to households through individualized case management and through funding to assist with rental arrears, utility arrears, or start up costs.
In response to the loss of income to households due to COVID-19, this program has been created and funded by the CARES Act funds granted to the Town of Southborough. This program seeks to be efficient and responsive.
The City of Springfield is making available $2 million in grant funding for renters and homeowners who have lost income due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The grant program will pay up to three months’ rent, mortgage, and utility charges for low to moderate income Springfield residents whose income has been adversely impacted by the pandemic public health orders. The program will be operated in conjunction with Way Finder’s other emergency assistance programs, including the state-funded Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program.
The Emergency Housing Assistance Program will provide renter and homeowner assistance (homeowners who have both income below 100% AMI AND own and occupy deed restricted affordable housing) to income eligible households. This program is explicitly for households which can demonstrate financial hardship due to the COVID‐19 pandemic.
Stow COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Fund
Stow CERAF has been developed to support Stow renters who may have difficulty paying rent due to COVID-19. The program is intended to help people during the time frame of April –June 2020.
ERAP provides temporary monthly rental assistance in the form of a grant to eligible households who have a loss of income due to the COVID-19 pandemic. ERAP will pay between $350 – $800/mo. in rental assistance, depending on unit size for four months. Payments are made directly to the landlord.
Waltham CPC Emergency Rental Assistance Program
The City of Waltham CPC Emergency Rental Assistance Program was created to provide financial assistance to Waltham residents who are experiencing a financial setback due to the negative economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and rent a home in Waltham.
Building on its commitment to supporting residents during the COVID-19 pandemic, the town of Watertown has established a $175,000 emergency rental assistance program. The program will allow income-eligible tenants to apply for up to three months of assistance if they have lost income and are having trouble paying rent as a result of the pandemic. The deadline to complete the application is Sept. 24.
The Wellfleet Emergency Houseing Program helps with housing costs for indivduals who have lost income or experienced increased expenses due to COVID-19.
Williamstown Emergency Rental Assistance Program
The board of the Williamstown Affordable Housing Trust will partner with Pittsfield’s Berkshire Housing Development Corp. on an emergency rental assistance program in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Residents of rental properties in Williamstown who make 100 percent or below the area median income and have “suffered financial setbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic” will be eligible for grants would ranging from $500 to $1,000.
With the state eviction moratorium set to expire, the city is moving to launch a COVID Emergency Rental Assistant Program to prevent residents from losing their homes. It is anticipated that the program will help as many as 550 to 600 residents throughout the city.
Yarmouth Rental Assistance Program
The Town of Yarmouth uses Community Preservation Funds to assist low-income individuals and households avoid homelessness through rental assistance in the following two ways: First and last months rent for a new Yarmouth unit paid on behalf of the tenant to the landlord and; Payment of past due rent is paid on behalf of the tenant to the landlord.